
It used to be said that death and taxes are the only guarantees in life. In today’s high-tech world another guarantee emerges— data will be lost. Whether it is hard drive failure, operating system corruption, computer virus or simply human error, critical data is lost every day.

Let us help you protect your business!

How important is your data?

  • 20% of tape based recoveries fail.
  • 30% chance that you will have a corrupted file within a one-year timeframe.
  • 1 in 20-25 notebooks are stolen, broken or destroyed each year.
  • 85% of users say they are very concerned about losing important data, yet only 25% of those indicated that they frequently backup their files.
  • More than 50 percent of customers surveyed said their current backup solutions does not meet their needs.

GSA IT Schedule 70
MD CATS+ Master Contractor
Maryland DOT Certified MBE/DBE